VesterbyCrea.No.17 – English

kr. 55,00

VesterbyCrea.No.17 is a summer top worked in a half fisherman´s rib called ”half fisherman´s rib right”.

The model is worked from the bottom up. In the beginning the body is worked in the round  in ”half fisherman´s rib right”.

The back piece is placed on hold and the front piece is worked flat for a few rows with decreases on every front piece.

Each front piece is worked flat and decreases continue. The front pieces are finished by working the cord for the strap.

The back pieces are worked in the same way – but with bind off of stitches in the middle of the back piece.

The summer top is assembly-free.


VesterbyCrea.No.17 is a summer top worked in a half fisherman´s rib called ”half fisherman´s rib right”. The model is worked from the bottom up. In the beginning the body is worked in the round in ”half fisherman´s rib right”. The back piece is placed on hold and the front piece is worked flat for a few rows with decreases on every front piece. Each front piece is worked flat and decreases continue. The front pieces are finished by working the cord for the strap. The back pieces are worked in the same way – but with bind off of stitches in the middle of the back piece. The summer top is assembly-free.

XS (S) M (L) XL

Length (measured from the V of the front piece): 46 (46) 47 (48) 52 cm
Back (width): 37 (40) 43 (47) 54 cm

Circular needles 3 mm (40 or 60 cm)

Half fisherman´s rib worked with 1 strand merino/cotton on needles 3 mm 28 sts / 36 rows per 10 x 10 cm

100 (150) 150 (150) 200 gr.
– ’Blackhill CottonWool’ from ’Garnudsalg’, 230 m. / 50 gr or
– ’Mandarin petit’ from ’Sandnes’, 180 m/ 50 gr.

Work with one strand of merino/cotton.

Difficulty: ★★  (2 out of 5).

The recipe is sent as a PDF file to your mail.